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Posted in /fuckurjpegSep 3, 2024

observe not enough in the present and you may find yourself wondering in the future what flew before your eyes.
My SuperRare genesis - originally minted on Sloika’s Montage Space contract it was burned and re-minted to the primary SR contract since being onboarded as an official artist. However, I wish to give the @lens ecosystem a chance to collect this as a show of faith in the system here & to set the example that web3/on-chain social is all we really need as artists to both share our work & support ourselves. At this point, as someone who’s been around for three years & seen all these different platforms offering all these different things, prompting artists to release work for less & less or free while always having to go BACK to 4chan twitter to advertise, I really don’t care HOW people want to collect my art as long as they care to collect it (:
If this were to sell today for the 2 ETH asking price I would earn the equivalent of 584000 $BONSAI but merely offering it for the equivalent isn’t a deal. My all time high in @bonsai is 111111 held by @stani, my second @ 88888 held by @horticulture, and my third @ 77777 held by @princetiwari. All works are great for their own reasons but this piece is truly in a league of its own with all things considered what went into it. Something that took months of coordination, planning + risk of arrest, as I was hanging out the side of a train pointing a camera at the conductor. To be honest I was more scared of serious injury as a couple inches too far & I could smack my hand or head on a pole, gate, or wall as we picked up speed. It results in an image indicative of being present in the moment + avoiding future regret for not having paid attention. A monumental step in my art career so I’m willing to offer it at less than half its current asking price while still setting a new personal best in $BONSAI on Lens @ 222222. When it is minted here it will be de-listed/burned off SuperRare & only exist on Lens for eternity.
222222 $BONSAI
4 days
@creators @photographers @hey @phaver @buttrfly @kaira @pinsta @ornaart @refraction #GRAMSDIDIT
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