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Artem Militonian

  • 27 Following
  • 19 Clubs
Founding Designer at @orb

Posted in /orbApr 20, 2024

Excited to announce that I’m going to make collectible my project. If you’d like to support me, here’s what’s on offer:
• Exclusive 1/1 collectible item.
• Your name linked in the credits as a supporter.
Some context:
Many of you know me as a product designer at Orb, specializing in interface design. However, I also have a keen interest in design-journalism, which I pursue as a hobby. I believe that every artist should make powerful statements through their art. A few years ago, I created a no-code longread about the Armenian Genocide (, a topic very close to my heart as an Armenian. This year marks the 109th anniversary on April 24, 2024. My friends often joke about the intense topics I tackle, including my other longreads on the War in Ukraine and the Rwandan Genocide, as well as the humanitarian crisis in Artsakh.
This particular longread, which I crafted entirely solo without any coding, has been recognized with an award from Awwwards, The FWA, and Communication Arts—the largest and oldest magazine on visual communication—alongside over 20 other international awards and publications.
We are entering a completely new era where Orb provides a platform for creators worldwide to connect with collectors, regardless of their location or fame. I am excited about the potential to bridge journalism, design, and blockchain technology.
All proceeds will be reinvested into acquiring new gear, conducting further research, and developing new projects.
Thank you for your attention and support!
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