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The elastic chain: an ever expanding verifiable blockchain network, secured by math. Bringing digital sovereignty to billions.

May 14, 2024

Technology expands our freedoms, unleashing creativity and innovation. Both are fundamental for progress and prosperity.
Nowhere is this truer than @lensprotocol.
Learn more about Lens Network, deploying as a ZK Chain on @zksync.

May 14, 2024

Introducing Lens Network. Bringing one billion users to Ethereum.
Our mission is to create an open and fair social network for all. No restrictions. A place where everyone can connect, participate, and build. We believe that digital social spaces will drive Ethereum's mainstream adoption.
We are making a big bet to scale Lens with Validiums and Volitions on Ethereum, leveraging @zksync’s stack to achieve mainstream scale for the social network.
Read more on @t2world:
We have opened a LIP discussion for community feedback: