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Visual Artist

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Artist, Graphic Designer, Pixel Tinkerer.

Mar 6, 2024

“Howling Spirits”
The night was dark and stormy, and the wind howled through the trees. A lone wolf wandered the forest, looking for shelter and food. He was hungry and tired, but he could not rest. He had a mission to fulfill, a destiny to follow.
He was the chosen one, the spirit animal of his tribe. He had the power to communicate with the souls of the dead, and to guide them to the afterlife. He was the bridge between the living and the departed, the guardian of the sacred balance.
But his tribe was in danger. A war had broken out between them and a rival clan, and many lives had been lost. The spirits of the fallen were restless and angry, and they demanded vengeance. They haunted the wolf, urging him to join their fight, to unleash their wrath upon the enemy.
The wolf resisted. He knew that violence would only lead to more suffering, and that his duty was to bring peace and harmony. He tried to calm the spirits, to soothe their pain, to show them the way to the light. But they would not listen. They grew louder and louder, until they drowned out everything else.
The wolf felt a surge of energy in his chest, a pressure that he could not contain. He lifted his head and let out a long, loud howl. A cloud of spirits emerged from his mouth, swirling and glowing in the air. They formed shapes and images, scenes of the past and the future, of war and peace, of life and death.
The wolf hoped that his howl would reach the ears of the living, that they would see the message of the spirits, that they would stop the bloodshed and seek reconciliation. He hoped that his howl would also reach the ears of the dead, that they would find peace and forgiveness, that they would move on to the next world.
He hoped that his howl would make a difference, that it would save his tribe, that it would honor his role as the spirit animal.
He hoped that his howl would be heard.
Hand sketched on a Kindle Scribe.
#wolf #spiritanimal #dreaming #spirits
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